Ditto. They're all flabs of meat desiring to be poked at. Its which kind of meat that matters.
Metal is the ultimate means to an indefinate end
Age 39, Female
Wal-Mart assciocate
norris school of asskickology
In you underware hamper
Joined on 12/12/07
Ditto. They're all flabs of meat desiring to be poked at. Its which kind of meat that matters.
emo kids smoke-ers are pokers, but i dont wanna drive 10 miles
to find emo chicks...now thats a real problem
emo kids have no real problems. they steal there sisters pants too...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2 Vr7hhPREs
is that asian jailbait i smell?
keen nose my friend!
a little lovydovey dont cha dink?
if two girls want to go at it then they can do it hower they want to
wait thats a girl???? oh OH!
no its girls in STEREO!!!
lesbions are emo. hmm... which one.
that just makes them hotter
Ach, music is too complicated... I just listen to music I like and leave it at that.
if i can stop one distraut girl from slicin' herself then my work is worth it